Alton Growth Strategy                ________________________________________________________________________________________

In response to a proposed Local Plan allocation by East Hampshire District Council we were appointed by Alton Town Council to investigate alternative growth strategies for the town that would deliver better infrastructure outcomes.
To do this I carried out an analysis of Alton Town and its surrounding context using GIS to identify strategic land parcels the could deliver the required scale of development and provide community and highways infrastructure including schools and public open space whilst protecting biodiversity and enhancing ecological corridors and open space amenity.
To reduce the pressure for green field development, the analysis also identified town centre and brownfield sites assessing them for their capacity, availability and deliverability.
This analysis was used to produce different development scenarios for the Town Council to consult on and inform their discussions with East Hampshire District Council.

- Project Type       Growth Strategy 
- Location              Alton, East Hampshire
- Typology             Mixed-Use, Infrastructure

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