C6 Public Realm Design Guide ________________________________________________________________________________________
An Open Space Strategy was produced to support the reserved matters application for the C6 Works and to give Wakefield Council confidence that the development would deliver a walkable neighbourhood well connected to the town centre, making Castleford a place where people would want to live and visit.
In collaboration with local community organisations including The Sea Scouts, RSPB and Castleford Tigers Rugby Club, a placemaking concept was developed based on health and fitness, play, and socializing. The Open Space Strategy led the detailed design of the open spaces and public realm throughout the scheme.
The involvement of local stakeholders was crucial to this ‘place first’ approach as they give Castleford its identity. This was used as an important part of the branding and sales strategy.
________________________________________________________________________________________- Project Type Design Code, Reserved Matters
- Location Castleford, Wakefield
- Typology Public Realm
- Size 26.3ha
- Density 50dph
- Density 50dph