
Working with Tangmere Parish Council through their Neighbourhood Plan we produced a development framework, policies and design guidance for the delivery of a strategic allocation of 1,300 homes, a school, village centre and community infrastructure which will double the size of the settlement.

‘One Village’ rather than two communities was the vision for the neighbourhood plan which would be realised through the creation of a new village centre located between the old and the new with a shared community and green infrastructure to connect the existing and new communities.
The Neighbourhood Plan process and policies provided the mechanism for the community to shape the delivery of the masterplan. After the neighbourhood plan was made a series of workshops with Countryside Properties and their consultants were used to agree the content of the planning application, planning conditions and Section 106 commitments to allow for community ownership and management of the facilities and green spaces.

- Project Type       Neighbourhood Planning, Design guidance
- Location              Tangmere, West Sussex
- Typology             Mixed-Use

- Size                      76ha

- Density                30dph

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