Welton Bag Factory Masterplan

These proposals for former Welton bag factory are for a mixed use development that addresses the current barriers to connectivity to improve the vitality of the town centre and improve access to open space and amenities for the town’s residents.
Early dialogue with BANES was essential in agreeing the development framework and heritage matters, and getting the town council’s support for the proposals. 
Early discussion on the integration of a new food store into the development framework with potential operators helped unlock land value to make the development viable.
A new square to address the town centre’s lack of public realm will also open up new routes into the town centre and improve the vitality of the High Street.

- Project Type       Masterplanning, Design and Access Statement
- Location              Midsomer Norton, Bath
- Typology             Mixed-Use

- Size                      5.86ha

- Density                40dph

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